Whether it’s in the field or in the office, you’ll work to keep our roads safe, monitoring drivers and their vehicles from buses to tractor trailers and more to ensure they all meet state requirements. There are four levels you will be able to ascend.
Motor Carrier Specialist (MCS) Job Role
Job Roles – MCS
Motor Carrier Specialist I
In this entry level position, you’ll work under supervision to inspect motor carriers operating trucks, tractor/trailers, buses, modified limousines, and vehicles transporting hazardous materials (HM) /hazardous waste (HW) for compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements related to vehicle maintenance; driver hours-of-service (HOS), credentialing, and proficiency; HM/HW transportation; and controlled substance and alcohol testing (CSAT).
You’ll conduct inspections of vehicles and records at carrier’s terminals to evaluate: the effectiveness of preventive maintenance programs, compliance with driver HOS, driver license, and driver proficiency requirements and compliance with HM/HW transportation requirements. You’ll also conduct inspections at carriers’ principle place of business (PPB) to determine compliance with driver CSAT requirements. At the conclusion of terminal and PPB inspections you will complete comprehensive reports, using departmentally provided laptop computer and software, describing any violations discovered, and steps necessary for the carrier to gain compliance.
You will also perform annual inspections for the certification of school buses, youth buses, general public paratransit vehicles, school pupil activity buses, and farm labor vehicles.
Additionally, you may be called upon to inspect vehicles involved in accidents to determine if the cause was mechanical, as a technical expert on a multidisciplinary accident investigation team. You may also be required to testify as a witness in proceedings before the courts and transportation regulatory agencies.
Motor Carrier Specialist II
(This position is promotional; from the MCS I classification.)
Under direction, you will plan, organize, direct, and supervise the work of field Motor Carrier Specialist I personnel. Headquarters Motor Carrier Specialist IIs act as an assistant to the Motor Carrier Specialist III or the Manager of the Motor Carrier Safety Program.
You’ll conduct ongoing field training for assigned Motor Carrier Specialist I personnel and provide training and technical presentations for industry, allied agencies, and
departmental employees. You’ll also assist the Motor Carrier Specialist I subordinates with inspections and investigations.
You will advise and communicate with carriers to ensure compliance and respond to complaints, as well as identify and enforce laws and regulations when the carrier is out of compliance. You’ll also need to testify as an expert witness in proceedings before the courts and transportation regulatory agencies.
Regularly, you’ll need to approve recommendations regarding granting PUC operating authority and Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Motor Carrier of Property Permits. You’ll also gather and compile data for administrative reports and analyze statistical reports, and prepare and edit a variety of memorandums, reports and forms.
Motor Carrier Specialist III
(This position is promotional; from the MCS II classification.)
Under general direction, you’ll plan, organize and direct the work of a field Division Motor Carrier Safety Unit or a headquarters unit. You’ll act as liaison between staff and upper management to represent, promote and explain programs to management.
You’ll keep management informed and establish unit goals and workload standards. You’ll delegate tasks, direct the implementation of policies, as well as meet, confer, and maintain communication with allied agencies, public and private trucking associations, labor organizations, interested citizen groups, and news media.
You’ll also recommend and promote preventive practices and participate as an expert witness in proceedings before the courts and transportation regulatory agencies. You’ll communicate with carriers to ensure compliance, communicate changes and advise carriers with recommendations to maintain compliance.
You will also be responsible to recommend appropriate action against noncompliant motor carriers. Lastly, you will gather and compile data for administrative reports, and analyze statistical reports and workload data to prepare a variety of memorandums, reports and forms.
Manager, Motor Carrier Safety Program
(This position is promotional; from the MCS III classification.)
In this management position, you will be responsible for managing the statewide Motor Carrier Safety Program of the California Highway Patrol and the headquarters of the Motor Carrier Safety Unit.
Under administrative direction, you will indirectly supervise and visit the Motor Carrier Safety Units statewide and perform duties of a Motor Carrier Specialist III when necessary. You will also hire, direct, supervise, counsel, observe and evaluate subordinates, and responds to their grievances and complaints.
When necessary, you will initiate and recommend disciplinary action on subordinates and seek to encourage upward mobility and formally recognize exemplary performance. You will develop and conduct training for departmental personnel, industry, and allied agencies, as well as communicate information to all levels of staff and management.
You will be a liaison with State and Federal agencies, private trucking associations, and labor organizations, and recommend appropriate action against noncompliant motor carriers. You will also prepare reports and testify as an expert witness when necessary, in addition to many other duties.
Minimum Qualifications / Knowledge & Abilities
Mininimum Qualifications / Knowledge and Abilities – MCS
Minimum Qualifications
1) One year of experience performing the duties of a Commercial Vehicle Inspection Specialist I, Range B.
2) Five years of experience as an Officer, California Highway Patrol, assigned to commercial enforcement duties.
Note: Exclusive weight enforcement assignments are not considered as qualifying experience. Only verified commercial experience may be accepted.
3) Four years of experience in any one or a combination of the following:
A. As a mechanic including repair and preventive maintenance programs. Note: Experience as a driver of a bus or truck and trailer or semi-trailer, heavy-duty trucking equipment may be substituted (on a month-for-month basis) for up to one year of the required journey level mechanic experience.
B. Automotive or mechanical engineering experience.
C. As a field supervisor, or a comparable position with a motor carrier, operating a fleet of heavy-duty motor trucking or bus vehicles.
Note: College education with major work in automotive or mechanical engineering may be substituted for the required experience on a year-for-year basis.
Knowledge & Abilities
Knowledge: You will need to know mechanical terminology common to motor carrier personnel, automotive, bus, and truck mechanics and the construction and equipment systems of different types of motor vehicles. A working knowledge of mechanical condition standards, safe working practices and accident prevention techniques will be necessary.
Abilities: You will need to be able to read, write and understand reports, applicable statutes and regulations, as well as effectively communicate orally with the public, coworkers, and supervision. You will also need to be able to work effectively in stressful situations, make decisions after analyzing all available information, detect unsafe equipment and operating practices, and use basic tools and safety equipment.
You will also be expected to detect audible warning devices, be able to physically inspect vehicles and cargo tanks, read small letters and numbers primarily associated with the inspection of commercial vehicles. Lastly, you must be able to operate an assigned motor vehicle and use an assigned computer and related programs.
For a complete Class Specification see Motor Carrier Specialist Series - CalHR
Minimum Qualifications
1) Two years of experience performing the duties of a Motor Carrier Specialist I.
2) Four years of experience providing a thorough knowledge of modern operating practices and of maintenance of heavy-duty motor vehicle equipment such as:
A. Shop supervisor in charge of mechanical and preventive maintenance, or safety engineer with preventive maintenance experience, with a motor carrier operating a fleet of 20 or more heavy-duty motor vehicles.
B. Automotive equipment engineering or technical experience with a highway carrier or a transportation regulatory agency.
Note: College education with major work in automotive or mechanical engineering may be substituted for not more than two years of the required experience on the basis of two years of college being equivalent to one year of experience.
Knowledge & Abilities
Knowledge: In addition to possessing the knowledge required of a Motor Carrier Specialist I you will need to have an in-depth understanding of State and Federal regulations and laws pertaining to motor carriers and hazardous materials requirements. You will also need to know bargaining unit contracts, Division Standard Operating Procedures, departmental policy, and inspection procedures to detect statutory and regulatory violations.
You will need to have a working knowledge of motor carrier fitness evaluations for PUC, Controlled Substance and Alcohol Testing requirements Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration operating authority requirements, and DMV Motor Carrier Property Permit requirements. You must know due process, court, and prosecution procedures and how to perform a supervisor's role in meeting equal employment opportunity objectives.
Abilities: In addition to possessing the abilities of a Motor Carrier Specialist I you will also be required to correctly interpret and apply statutory and regulatory requirements to inter and intrastate carriers, and Department policy. You must be able to prepare detailed and complex reports, compile and analyze data, determine and recommend corrective measures to carriers.
You must also be able to identify training needs and conduct field training for Motor Carrier Specialist Is, in addition to instructing classes for industry, allied agencies, and other departmental employees. You will be expected to review and evaluate field investigations, detect improper maintenance practices and appraise the condition of automotive equipment.
You will need to perform detailed mechanical inspections, operate commercial vehicle controls and specialized tools and equipment, and supervise, direct, and evaluate the work of a group of subordinates. Lastly, you need to be able to understand and fairly apply progressive disciplinary measures to improve employee performance, maintain relations with allied agencies and labor organizations, and testify as an expert witness.
Minimum Qualifications
1) Two years of experience performing the duties of a Motor Carrier Specialist II, California Highway Patrol.
2) Five years of experience in a position equivalent to a superintendent of maintenance or an operations manager or similar position with a motor carrier operating a fleet of 20 or more heavy-duty commercial motor vehicles.
Note: College education with major work in automotive or mechanical engineering may be substituted for not more than two years of the required experience on the basis of two years of college work being equivalent to one year of experience.
Knowledge & Abilities
Knowledge: In addition to possessing the knowledge required of a Motor Carrier Specialist I and II, you will need an in-depth understanding of department policy and procedures, administrative hearing and deposition procedures and supervisory procedures. You also must know interviewing/interrogation techniques and departmental procedures for obtaining supplies and requisitioning equipment.
Abilities: In addition to possessing the abilities of a Motor Carrier Specialist I and II, you will perform a variety of administrative functions, report program trends to management and recommend and support changes in regulations. Then you will need to coordinate the implementation of policies, coordinate bargaining unit contracts and represent the Department at meetings.
You will also need to track unit workload and meet deadlines, delegate responsibility, evaluate subordinates, recommend corrective measures and conduct internal investigations. Lastly, you will identify trends in statistical analyses, perform specialized research, and conduct and supervise field studies.
Minimum Qualifications
1) Two years of experience performing the duties of a Motor Carrier Specialist III, California Highway Patrol.
2) Broad and extensive professional experience (more than five years) in one or a combination of the following:
A. Administrative and supervisory experience in all phases of project planning and development of programs involving commercial transportation operations.
B.In a line or policy development capacity in a public agency or private firm engaged in commercial transportation and operating a fleet of 20 or more heavy-duty commercial motor vehicles.
Note: College education with major work in automotive or mechanical engineering may be substituted for not more than two years of the required experience on the basis of two years of college work being equivalent to one year of experience.
Knowledge & Abilities
Knowledge: In addition to possessing the knowledge required of a Motor Carrier Specialist I, II and III, you will need an in-depth understanding of management procedures, how to perform a manager's role in the Equal Employment Opportunity Program and the processes available to meet Equal Employment Opportunity objectives. You will also need to know a manager's role in maintaining a work environment that is free of discrimination and harassment.
Abilities: In addition to possessing the abilities of a Motor Carrier Specialist I, II and III, you will supervise subordinates, accomplish goals through others and coordinate the activities of large groups of personnel.
You must be able to judge which decisions to make or delegate, analyze conflicting facts/advice, achieve positive results from negative situations, and supervise negotiations for improving operating method. Lastly, you must develop, review, or draft legislation and assist local regulatory bodies in drafting regulations.

You must possess evidence of satisfactory arrest and driving records. You will also need to pass a drug screening test.